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With years steeped in the nuanced field of hotel tech, I’m here to share my insights on Hopin software. My journey has allowed me to understand the intricate needs of this industry and how software can meet those needs. In this review, I’ll lay out everything you need to know about Hopin, from its usability to its features, helping you make an informed decision on whether it aligns with your needs. I’ll share my experience and knowledge in a straightforward way, offering a clear and honest overview of what Hopin brings to the table.

Hopin software review - a screenshot of the tool's dashboard overview
Here is the screenshot of Hopin's dashboard. Hopin enables you to create immersive virtual, hybrid, and live event experiences for your audience.

Hopin Product Overview

Hopin is a renowned all-in-one event management platform, diligently crafted to host an array of online, onsite, and hybrid events, enabling an easy transition from in-person events with its robust virtual venue and expo capabilities. This great platform appeals to a broad spectrum of users including small businesses, non-profit organization management, and diverse enterprises, seeking to leverage the virtual conference experience to optimize attendee engagement and interaction.

By providing innovative event services, a highly-rated support team, and user-friendly templates, Hopin addresses the inherent challenges faced by first-time users in navigating online events platforms, thus offering a holistic solution to create engaging and inclusive experiences. Among the acclaimed features in various Hopin reviews are the intuitive networking features and the versatility in hosting hybrid event experiences, whether on Android or other platforms, revealing it as a great product developed with meticulous attention by the Hopin team to meet the diverse needs of event attendees.


  • Versatility: Hopin allows for diverse event setups catering to various needs, enhancing the overall event experience.
  • Interactivity: The platform enables rich engagement through features like networking sessions, live polls, and Q&A, fostering meaningful connections.
  • Integration Capability: It synergizes well with multiple applications, ensuring smooth workflows and enhanced user experiences.


  • Learning Curve: New users may find Hopin’s extensive features overwhelming, requiring time to fully adapt.
  • Accessibility: Some users might encounter challenges with the accessibility features of the platform.
  • Advanced Customization: While versatile, Hopin may lack in providing advanced customization options compared to some alternatives.

Expert Opinion

In reflecting upon the myriad of event platforms I’ve dissected, the use Hopin certainly holds its ground in many aspects. Its rich features and intuitive interface are commendable, yet the learning curve can’t be overlooked. Analyzing its functionalities, the blend of versatility and interaction stands out. However, when delving into the more intricate needs of event customization and accessibility, it might fall a tad short compared to a few others in the market.

It’s critical to weigh these elements when determining if Hopin aligns with your specific needs. For those who prioritize interaction and integration capabilities, Hopin could be a fitting choice. Conversely, those necessitating advanced customization might need to be explored further.

Hopin: The Bottom Line

Hopin carves its niche in the virtual event space with features that focus on recreating the interactive essence of physical events. The ability to facilitate diverse and dynamic online gatherings makes it stand apart. The networking opportunities it provides allow for the cultivation of relationships and meaningful exchanges, something often lost in virtual platforms. Its robust integration capabilities and customizable layouts make it a noteworthy choice for those looking to host an interactive and engaging virtual event.

Hopin Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Online Registration - Yes
  2. Event Scheduling - Yes
  3. Ticketing - Yes
  4. Customizable Branding - Yes
  5. Email Marketing - Yes
  6. Attendee Management - Yes
  7. Sponsorship Management - Yes
  8. Survey & Feedback Collection - Yes
  9. Social Media Promotion - Yes
  10. Reporting & Analytics - Yes
  11. Mobile Event App - No
  12. On-Demand Webcasting - Yes
  13. Live Streaming - Yes
  14. Booth Management - Yes
  15. Payment Processing - Yes
  16. Venue Selection - No
  17. Budget Management - No
  18. Speaker Management - Yes
  19. Trade Show Management - Yes
  20. Waiting Room - Yes
  21. Breakout Rooms - Yes
  22. Networking Opportunities - Yes
  23. Q&A Section - Yes
  24. Polling - Yes
  25. Integration Capabilities - Yes

Hopin Feature Overview

  1. Online Registration: Hopin offers straightforward online registration, simplifying attendee sign-up.
  2. Event Scheduling: The platform supports detailed event scheduling, allowing precise planning.
  3. Customizable Branding: Hopin enables customization, letting organizers tailor branding to resonate with their themes.
  4. Email Marketing: The tool incorporates email marketing to enhance event promotion and communication.
  5. Attendee Management: Hopin provides detailed attendee management, streamlining participant oversight.
  6. Live Streaming: The live streaming capability is pivotal, allowing real-time content sharing.
  7. Booth Management: This feature aids exhibitors in structuring their virtual booths effectively.
  8. Networking Opportunities: Hopin emphasizes networking, allowing attendees to interact and forge connections.
  9. Integration Capabilities: The extensive integration capabilities of Hopin ensure easy synergy with other tools.
  10. Reporting & Analytics: It provides insights through reporting & analytics, offering a detailed overview of event performance.

Standout Functionality

Hopin places a particular emphasis on networking opportunities, replicating the interaction level of physical events, which is often a challenge in virtual environments. Its customizable branding allows for a more personalized and immersive attendee experience, unlike many others in the space. The integration capabilities of Hopin are extensive, enabling users to connect various tools, and fostering a harmonious operational flow, unmatched by several competitors.


Hopin integrates natively with several tools like Slack and Zoom, enhancing communication and video conferencing. It also provides an API, allowing for more flexible integration with other tools and enabling the customization of functionalities. Moreover, different add-ons are available to extend its capabilities further.

Hopin Events Pricing

Pricing upon request

Ease of Use

I find that Hopin has an intuitive interface. However, due to the plethora of features available, new users may experience a learning curve. The onboarding process is comprehensive, and navigation is structured logically, but mastering all the functionalities can take some time and practice.

Customer Support

I noticed that Hopin offers various channels for support, including live chat and documentation. However, some users might feel frustrated due to the occasional delay in response times. The availability of webinars and tutorials does aid in mitigating this, offering users additional resources to navigate through any challenges they encounter.

Hopin Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For Hopin?

Organizations and professionals seeking a comprehensive and interactive virtual event platform find value in Hopin. It appeals particularly to those who prioritize networking and engagement, such as event organizers, educational institutions, and corporations, making it suitable for a variety of industries.

Companies, irrespective of their size, who desire detailed attendee management and robust analytics to gauge event performance, benefit substantially from what Hopin offers. It aligns well with environments that demand customization and extensive integration capabilities to streamline operations and enhance user experiences.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For Hopin?

Individuals or entities desiring a simplistic, no-frills solution might not resonate with Hopin. Those who find intricate features and detailed customization overwhelming or unnecessary may feel discontented. Small teams with limited technical proficiency or those not requiring advanced functionalities and extensive integrations may find Hopin less suitable. It might not be the best choice for those looking for immediate accessibility solutions or straightforward, basic event setups.

Hopin FAQs

What does Hopin primarily offer?

Hopin is a virtual event platform that offers features like online registration, event scheduling, customizable branding, and networking opportunities.

Can Hopin integrate with other tools?

Yes, Hopin offers extensive integration capabilities with tools like Slack and Zoom and provides an API for additional integrations.

Is there a mobile app available for Hopin?

No, Hopin does not offer a mobile event app.

Does Hopin support live streaming?

Yes, Hopin supports live streaming and on-demand webcasting.

How customizable is Hopin for branding purposes?

Hopin allows for extensive customization to align the platform’s appearance with the brand’s theme and visuals.

Does Hopin offer analytics and reporting?

Yes, Hopin offers detailed reporting and analytics to assess event performance.

Is Hopin suitable for large-scale events?

Yes, Hopin can accommodate large-scale events with its comprehensive set of features designed to manage and engage attendees effectively.

Can Hopin be overwhelming for new users?

Yes, due to its extensive features, new users may experience a learning curve.

Alternatives to Hopin

  • Eventbrite is a strong alternative for those who prioritize ease of use and accessibility in event management software.
  • Bizzabo stands out for those seeking advanced customization and extensive marketing functionalities.
  • Cvent offers superior solutions for large enterprises needing comprehensive event planning and management features. Get expert insights about this tool in this Cvent tool review.

Hopin Company Overview & History

Hopin specializes in providing a comprehensive and interactive virtual event platform. It is used by a multitude of companies across various industries, including event organizers, educational institutions, and corporations. Hopin is a private company, with its headquarters located in London.

The mission of Hopin revolves around providing an inclusive and engaging virtual event platform that caters to diverse needs. The platform has evolved, marking notable milestones in enhancing interactivity, customization, and integration capabilities to offer enriched user experiences and facilitate meaningful connections.


Hopin stands as a comprehensive solution for those seeking an interactive and customizable virtual event platform. Its extensive features, focused on engagement and versatility, make it a suitable choice for a variety of users, especially those prioritizing networking and detailed attendee management. However, the richness of features may be overwhelming for some, and those seeking simplistic solutions may need to explore alternatives.

For those aligned with its offerings, Hopin could be a pivotal tool in hosting immersive virtual events. I encourage users to share their experiences and insights regarding Hopin, enriching the discourse surrounding virtual event platforms.

Cory Masters
By Cory Masters

Cory Masters is a dynamic professional with 10+ years of experience working across hotel and hospitality management, accounting, financial management, office management, and operations. She's passionate about elevating other professionals in the community, using her 4 years as an Assistant Hotel Manager at Four Seasons to share the lessons she's learned about managing guest interactions, reservations, hotel staff, hotel services, hotel management systems, and more.