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As a hotelier, choosing the right customer relationship management (CRM) tool is crucial for success. With many options available, finding the perfect fit can be daunting.

Here, we've distilled the best hotel CRMs to aid your decision, highlighting essential features and benefits. Dive in for insights on selecting the best hotel CRM.

What is a Hotel CRM?

A hotel CRM, or customer relationship management system, is a software application that helps hotels manage their customers and interactions. Hotel CRMs can track customer data, such as contact information, booking history, and preferences. They also allow hotel staff to communicate with customers through chat and email, send alerts and reminders, and manage reservations and bookings.

If you're looking for a tool to help manage your hotel guests and interactions, then a hotel CRM is your solution. Hotel CRMs can provide a wealth of benefits for your business, such as improved customer service, increased bookings, and more efficient operations.

The 11 Best Hotel CRMs of 2024

Choosing the right hotel CRM is essential for managing your business effectively. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. That's why we've created this comparison to guide you.

Each CRM has unique features, so it's important to consider what you need your CRM to do. Do you need a CRM that can manage bookings and reservations? Or one that can track customer loyalty and rewards?

Whatever your needs, we've got you covered. Continue reading to explore the top hotel CRMs and find the perfect one for your business.

11 Best Hotel CRM Shortlist

  1. Track - Best for comprehensive guest communication
  2. Experience Hotel - Best for guest experience management
  3. Revinate - Best for reputation and guest feedback analysis
  4. Salesforce - Best for scalable hotel operations
  5. Inn Flow - Best for property and financial management
  6. Cendyn - Best for personalized guest marketing
  7. innRoad - Best for independent hotel management
  8. Freshworks - Best for customer-centric hospitality operations
  9. monday sales CRM - Best for team collaboration and sales tracking
  10. Hubspot - Best for inbound marketing strategies
  11. Zoho CRM - Best for multi-channel guest interactions

Overviews of the 11 Best Hotel CRM Shortlist

1. Track - Best for comprehensive guest communication

Track hotel CRM interface
Here's the agent dashboard view in Track.

Track, a dedicated hotel CRM solution, facilitates effective guest communication. Recognizing the hospitality industry's need for robust contact management, Track offers tools tailored to streamline interactions and improve the customer journey.

Why I Picked Track:

I chose Track after carefully judging its features against other CRM systems in the market. What makes Track distinctive is its laser focus on the hospitality sector and how it caters precisely to guest communication needs. My rationale for deciding it's the "Best for comprehensive guest communication" stems from its ability to provide hotels with a singular platform to manage all guest interactions, making it invaluable for the hotel industry.

Standout features & integrations:

Track boasts robust functionality for real-time guest interactions, including email campaigns, SMS notifications, and social media integration. It also integrates with popular property management systems (PMS) and other essential tools for the hospitality business.


From $15/user/month (min 5 seats, billed annually)


  • Dedicated hospitality CRM solution
  • Integrates with major property management systems
  • Offers modules for email, SMS, and social media communication


  • Might be over-specialized for broader hotel chains
  • Starting price requires a minimum seat purchase
  • Billed annually, which might not appeal to all

2. Experience Hotel - Best for guest experience management

Experience-Hotel hotel CRM interface
Here's the e-reputation feature in Experience Hotel.

Experience Hotel operates with a distinct aim: optimizing the guest journey within the hospitality sector. This CRM system is designed to help hotels provide a standout customer experience, from check-in to post-stay follow-ups.

Why I Picked Experience Hotel:

After meticulously comparing various CRM platforms, I selected Experience Hotel for its evident dedication to improving the customer journey in the hospitality industry. Its in-depth focus on every touchpoint of guest interactions set it apart for me. I deemed it "Best for guest experience management" because of its unparalleled tools designed specifically for crafting personalized experiences and ensuring guest satisfaction.

Standout features & integrations:

Experience Hotel brings powerful functionalities like real-time guest feedback, in-depth segmentation for personalized marketing campaigns, and modules that assist with pre- and post-stay guest engagement. Regarding integrations, it syncs effortlessly with essential property management systems (PMS) and offers compatibility with various marketing automation tools essential for the hotel business.


From $12/user/month (min 3 seats, billed annually)


  • Tailored for the hospitality industry, improving guest journeys
  • Powerful segmentation tools for targeted marketing
  • Integrates smoothly with popular PMS and other hospitality tools


  • May require a learning curve for non-hospitality professionals
  • Requires a minimum of three seat purchases to start
  • Annual billing might not be suitable for all

3. Revinate - Best for reputation and guest feedback analysis

Revinate hotel CRM interface
Here's a screenshot of Revinate's dashboard.

Revinate specializes in transforming guest feedback into actionable insights for hotels. This CRM platform is particularly adept at analyzing a hotel's reputation, enabling hospitality businesses to gauge their performance in guests’ eyes.

Why I Picked Revinate:

When evaluating various CRM solutions for the hotel industry, I chose Revinate for its unparalleled capability in handling and analyzing guest feedback. Its core strength is processing vast amounts of feedback to provide a clear picture of a hotel's reputation. I firmly believe it's "Best for reputation and guest feedback analysis" as it grants hotels the tools to comprehend and act on guest sentiments.

Standout features & integrations:

Revinate offers powerful functionality in feedback management, from gathering reviews across multiple channels to offering detailed guest satisfaction metrics. Its segmentation tools also allow for targeted marketing campaigns based on feedback analysis. As for integrations, Revinate links with leading property management systems (PMS) and various marketing automation tools to ensure data consistency and streamline operations.


From $20/user/month (billed annually)


  • Proficient in analyzing vast amounts of guest feedback
  • Offers detailed metrics on guest satisfaction
  • Strong integrations with major PMS and marketing tools


  • Might be more focused on feedback than other CRM features
  • The initial setup may require some training
  • Only offers annual billing, which may not fit all budget cycles

4. Salesforce - Best for scalable hotel operations

Salesforce hotel CRM interface
Here's an image of creating a new opportunity in the "opportunities" tab of Salesforce.

Salesforce is a dynamic CRM platform renowned for its wide array of functionalities tailored to various industries, including the hospitality sector. For hotels looking to scale and streamline their operations, Salesforce emerges as a formidable solution.

Why I Picked Salesforce:

In the vast ocean of CRM systems, selecting Salesforce was a decision driven by its robustness and flexibility. After comparing several tools, I judged Salesforce's architecture to be the most adept at accommodating growth in the hotel industry. Its adaptability to large hotel chains and boutique establishments is why I regard it as "Best for scalable hotel operations".

Standout features & integrations:

Salesforce offers profound CRM features from guest profiles, and sales pipeline management, to in-depth customer journey analysis. The platform's modules enable hotels to manage everything from check-in processes to email campaigns, ensuring improved guest satisfaction. Integrations-wise, Salesforce can connect with many tools, including marketing automation platforms, property management systems (PMS), and even platforms like Pipedrive or Freshsales, fortifying its place in the ecosystem of hospitality management tools.


From $25/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive CRM platform accommodating diverse hotel operations
  • Ability to handle both large and small-scale hotel businesses
  • Wide array of integrations with other important hospitality software


  • Steeper learning curve for new users
  • Higher cost compared to some niche-specific CRM tools
  • Some features may be excessive for smaller establishments

5. Inn Flow - Best for property and financial management

Inn Flow hotel CRM interface
Here's Inn Flow's labor management feature.

Inn Flow provides a comprehensive solution for managing hotels that meets the unique needs of the hospitality industry. Our advanced features cover both the operational and financial aspects of running a hotel, ensuring a well-managed and balanced operation.

Why I Picked Inn Flow:

I found that Inn Flow is the best tool for property and financial management as it combines both functions seamlessly. Its exceptional dual functionality sets it apart and earns it recognition as the "Best for property and financial management."

Standout features & integrations:

Inn Flow boasts robust modules for room service, check-in processes, and real-time financial data tracking, offering a holistic view of both property and financial operations. Its CRM system ensures customer satisfaction while streamlining sales activities and marketing campaigns. In terms of integrations, Inn Flow connects with major property management systems (PMS) and CRM platforms such as Pipedrive and Freshsales, providing a more comprehensive solution for hospitality businesses.


From $30/user/month (billed annually)


  • Dual functionality addressing property and financial management
  • Comprehensive integration capabilities with major PMS and CRM solutions
  • Real-time tracking ensures up-to-date financial data for decision-making


  • Might be overwhelming for smaller establishments that don’t require extensive financial management
  • Requires some training to fully harness all its features
  • Slightly higher starting price compared to some specialized tools

6. Cendyn - Best for personalized guest marketing

Cendyn hotel CRM interface
Here's the campaign summary dashboard in Cendyn.

Cendyn is a prominent figure in the hospitality CRM software space, primarily focusing on offering personalized marketing solutions to improve guest experiences. By centralizing guest profiles and utilizing smart segmentation, Cendyn empowers hoteliers to craft marketing campaigns that resonate personally with guests.

Why I Picked Cendyn:

After evaluating multiple CRM options for the hospitality industry, I chose Cendyn for its exceptional ability to personalize the guest experience. No other CRM solution matches its expertise in using customer data to create tailored marketing campaigns, making it my top choice for personalized guest marketing.

Standout features & integrations:

Cendyn boasts a range of standout features including a robust CRM system that emphasizes customer interactions and an intuitive marketing automation module that allows for streamlined email campaigns. Additionally, it offers a powerful segmentation tool that improves personalized experiences. Regarding integrations, Cendyn interfaces with leading property management systems (PMS) and other hospitality CRM platforms, thus improving its functionality and offering a cohesive guest experience.


Pricing upon request


  • Dedicated focus on personalized marketing improves guest satisfaction
  • Strong integrations with leading PMS and CRM platforms
  • Advanced segmentation tools for targeted marketing campaigns


  • Pricing transparency could be improved for easier decision-making
  • The vast array of features might present a learning curve for some users
  • The tool might be overkill for very small establishments not focusing on intricate marketing campaigns

7. innRoad - Best for independent hotel management

innRoad hotel CRM interface
Here's the innRoad reservation tab overview.

innRoad is a comprehensive management solution designed explicitly for the hotel industry, emphasizing support for independent hotels. With its array of management tools and integrated systems, innRoad simplifies hotel operations, making it especially suitable for boutique and independent hotel brands.

Why I Picked innRoad:

I chose innRoad after comparing different hospitality software options. Their personalized features and devoted support for independent hotels stood out to me. InnRoad's ability to streamline operations and improve the guest experience aligns with their "Best for independent hotel management" title.

Standout features & integrations:

innRoad boasts a suite of impressive features, including a real-time check-in/check-out system, a robust CRM platform focused on guest profiles, and functionalities tailored to improve the guest journey from booking to stay. In terms of integrations, innRoad offers connectivity to leading property management systems (PMS), marketing automation tools, and even platforms like Pipedrive for sales management, ensuring comprehensive management for independent hoteliers.


Pricing upon request


  • Designed specifically for the unique needs of independent hotels
  • Integration with popular hospitality tools and systems
  • A robust CRM system that centralizes customer interactions and profiles


  • Potential complexity for those unfamiliar with comprehensive CRM solutions
  • Independent hotels with very limited resources might find some features excessive
  • Pricing transparency could be improved for easier budgeting decisions

8. Freshworks - Best for customer-centric hospitality operations

Freshworks hotel CRM interface
Here's the sales forcasting capability of Freshworks.

Freshworks tools streamline operations in hospitality. It acts as a CRM platform that integrates with functions to enhance the customer experience. Ideal for the customer-centric hospitality sector.

Why I Picked Freshworks:

When determining which tool to highlight for the hospitality CRM niche, Freshworks caught my attention due to its unique functionality and modules that prioritize the customer journey. I judged it to be superior in many respects, especially when comparing its features tailored to the hospitality industry. The customer-centric approach of Freshworks aligns with the designation "Best for customer-centric hospitality operations".

Standout features & integrations:

Freshworks boasts features like Freshsales, a robust sales management system designed to optimize sales activities and provide valuable customer insights. Additionally, the CRM system offers tools for lead management, email campaigns, and marketing automation. Integrations-wise, Freshworks connects well with property management systems (PMS), Pipedrive, and other essential tools for the hospitality industry.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive CRM features tailored for the hospitality industry
  • Integrates well with a range of essential hotel business tools
  • Emphasis on real-time customer interactions improves guest satisfaction


  • Some features might be overwhelming for smaller hospitality businesses
  • Annual billing can be less flexible for certain operations
  • While it integrates with many tools, it might not cover some niche requirements

9. monday sales CRM - Best for team collaboration and sales tracking

monday sales CRM hotel CRM interface
Here's the contact management feature in monday sales CRM.

monday sales CRM stands at the intersection of sales tracking and team collaboration, offering tools that improve the efficiency of sales teams within the hospitality industry. By prioritizing team coordination and sales activities, it aligns perfectly with establishments seeking a collaborative approach to sales management.

Why I Picked monday sales CRM:

I found monday sales CRM during my search for the perfect CRM system. Its emphasis on team collaboration integrated with sales tracking caught my attention, making it the ideal choice for those seeking a CRM system that excels in both areas.

Standout features & integrations:

monday sales CRM thrives on its modules tailored for real-time collaboration, lead management, and contact management, helping teams to track potential customers. Its CRM features are augmented by its workflow tools and sales pipeline insights. Regarding integrations, monday is compatible with popular email campaign tools, Pipedrive, Freshsales, and other CRM platforms, further improving its appeal.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive CRM solution with an emphasis on team collaboration
  • Offers real-time tracking of sales activities
  • Rich integration capabilities with other CRM systems and marketing campaign tools


  • Might be a learning curve for those new to collaborative CRMs
  • Its wide range of features may be overwhelming for smaller teams
  • Pricing might be higher for businesses on a tight budget

10. Hubspot - Best for inbound marketing strategies

Hubspot hotel CRM interface
Here's Hubspot's deals page, which gives you a snapshot of your sales pipeline.

Hubspot, a recognized leader in the CRM domain, specializes in transforming customer interactions through its inbound marketing tactics. For the hospitality industry striving to attract and engage potential customers, Hubspot has become the linchpin for establishing meaningful connections.

Why I Picked Hubspot:

Navigating through numerous CRM systems, I chose Hubspot primarily for its unparalleled emphasis on inbound marketing strategies. While there were several competitors in the CRM solution space, Hubspot stood out due to its robust tools for segmentation, marketing automation, and email campaigns. Based on my assessment and comparison, I found Hubspot to be the "Best for inbound marketing strategies.”

Standout features & integrations:

Hubspot boasts impressive modules for marketing automation, contact management, and segmentation that streamline the customer journey, making it easy for hospitality businesses to personalize experiences. Its CRM platform integrates with Pipedrive, Freshsales, and various property management systems, improving its functionality further.


From $45/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive inbound marketing tools tailored for customer engagement
  • Effective CRM features for personalized customer experience
  • Integrations with other CRM platforms and hotel industry-specific tools


  • The pricing might be a barrier for smaller hospitality businesses
  • Its vast range of features can present a steep learning curve
  • Some advanced features are reserved for higher-priced tiers

11. Zoho CRM - Best for multi-channel guest interactions

Zoho CRM hotel CRM interface
Here's the home page of Zoho CRM, which gives you a quick overview of the progress of your CRM activities.

Zoho CRM thrives on its strength in managing customer interactions across multiple channels, making it a favored choice for the hospitality industry. This tool efficiently manages and integrates guest interactions through social media, email campaigns, or direct check-ins, offering a 360-degree view of the guest experience.

Why I Picked Zoho CRM:

In the plethora of CRM systems available, my choice for Zoho CRM was determined by its superior capability in handling multi-channel interactions. After comparing and judging multiple tools, Zoho CRM's prowess in streamlining guest profiles from diverse sources truly stood out. I have determined that Zoho CRM is undoubtedly "Best for multi-channel guest interactions" due to its holistic approach to managing guest touchpoints.

Standout features & integrations:

Zoho CRM offers robust modules that support real-time engagement, CRM features tailored for the hotel industry, and advanced contact management capabilities. Integrations are its strong suit, with direct connections to Pipedrive, Freshsales, and several popular property management systems, allowing businesses to enrich the guest’s journey further.


From $14/user/month (billed annually)


  • Advanced CRM platform tailored for multi-channel guest interactions
  • Comprehensive integrations with other hotel CRM systems and hospitality tools
  • Effective marketing automation to personalize the guest experience


  • Some of its features might be overwhelming for smaller hotel chains
  • Initial setup and workflow configuration may require time
  • Some essential integrations might come at an added cost

Other Noteworthy Hotel CRM

Below is a list of additional hotel CRM that we shortlisted, but did not make it to the top list. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Close - Good for integrated calling and email tracking
  2. Netsuite - Good for cloud-based enterprise management
  3. Creatio CRM - Good for process-driven sales automation
  4. Pipeline CRM - Good for visual sales process management
  5. Bigin by Zoho CRM - Good for small businesses with scalability needs

The Benefits of Using a Hotel CRM

There are many benefits of using a hotel CRM. Here are just a few:

1. Increased efficiency and productivity. The best CRM software will help your staff manage reservations and guests more efficiently. This means more bookings and happier guests!

2. Improved customer service. With a CRM, you can track every interaction with a guest, from booking to check-out. This allows you to provide better service and resolve any issues quickly and effectively.

3. More organized and accurate records. A good hotel CRM will keep all your guest data organized and up-to-date. This makes it easy to find information when needed and helps avoid any mistakes that could cost you business.

The Key Features To Look For In A Hotel CRM

When it comes to finding the best hotel CRM for your business, it's important to consider the key features that will be most useful to you. Here are some of the most important features to look for:

1. Customizable: A good hotel CRM should be customizable to fit your specific needs and requirements. It should allow you to track and manage reservations, guest information, room rates, and more.

2. Efficient: The hotel CRM should be efficient and easy to use, so you can quickly and easily manage your hotel's operations.

3. Robust Reporting: The CRM should include robust reporting features to track your hotel's performance and analyze data trends.

4. Scalability: The CRM should be able to scale with your business as it grows and changes.

5. Integration: The CRM should be able to integrate with other software programs you use, such as your accounting or booking system.

Other Hotel CRM Reviews


Congratulations on your new hotel! Operating a hotel is challenging, but the right tools can make it considerably smoother. A hotel CRM, for instance, is invaluable. This article delves into a detailed comparison of leading hotel CRMs.

A hotel CRM aids in managing your guests' entire stay experience, from handling reservations to sending post-checkout follow-up emails. Additionally, it assists in overseeing your hotel's finances, staff, and inventory.

If you're uncertain about hotel CRM that suits your establishment best, our comprehensive comparison will guide you to an informed decision.

Ben Aston
By Ben Aston

I’m Ben Aston, a digital project manager and founder of The DPM. I've been in the industry for more than 15 years working in the UK at London’s top digital agencies including Dare, Wunderman, Lowe and DDB. I’ve delivered everything from film to CMS', games to advertising and eCRM to eCommerce sites. I’ve been fortunate enough to work across a wide range of great clients; automotive brands including Land Rover, Volkswagen and Honda; Utility brands including BT, British Gas and Exxon, FMCG brands such as Unilever, and consumer electronics brands including Sony.