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12 Best Hotel Guest Apps

After meticulous evaluation, I've handpicked the top 12 hotel guest apps that efficiently address your hospitality needs. Ready for a tour?

  1. Stay - Best for unifying hotel operations in a single app
  2. Hotel Friend - Best for enhancing room service experience
  3. GuestBell - Best for increasing guest engagement with digital concierge services
  4. GuestU - Best for personalizing the guest journey from pre-arrival to check-out
  5. Altitude - Best for real-time communication and service delivery
  6. Criton - Best for customizing a unique hotel app with brand identity
  7. Intelity - Best for integrating hotel management systems and service requests
  8. Hotelcore - Best for simplifying booking and check-in processes
  9. Nonius - Best for digitalizing the guest experience from A to Z
  10. Duve - Best for guest self-service options and instant messaging
  11. Akia - Best for enhancing guest communication with AI chatbots
  12. Operto - Best for smart connectivity and automated guest entry

In today's digital age, every hotelier knows the importance of providing their guests with an easy and convenient experience right from their mobile devices. As a professional in the hospitality industry, I know that mobile apps that offer contactless services, push notifications, and even mobile key functionalities have become an integral part of the customer experience.

With these apps, guests can seamlessly make direct bookings, check into their hotel rooms, and manage their stay without even needing to go to the front desk. As someone who has explored a multitude of such apps, I've curated a list that I believe could be the right fit for both large hotel groups and boutique establishments seeking to elevate their guest experience.

What Is a Hotel Guest App?

Hotel guest apps are innovative software solutions, designed to heighten the hotel experience for the contemporary traveler. Utilized by hoteliers and guests alike, these apps streamline the process of hotel management and guest service and provide a platform for instant communication and service delivery.

From reservation and check-in to personalized room service, digital concierge services, and smart room control, guest apps cover an impressive range of functionalities. They also provide added benefits such as sending out SMS reminders, integrating with social media platforms, and streamlining the hotel's workflow.

They offer a means for hotel businesses to increase operational efficiency, whilst granting guests unparalleled control over their stay, thereby revolutionizing the traditional hospitality landscape.

12 Best Hotel Guest Apps Overviews

1. Stay - Best for unifying hotel operations in a single app

Stay guest app sample
Stay's guest app

Stay is a comprehensive hotel guest app solution that consolidates numerous hotel operations into one user-friendly platform. From managing reservations to accessing hotel services, this app addresses the multifaceted needs of both hoteliers and guests, truly shining in its ability to unify hotel operations.

Why I Picked Stay:

In my evaluation, Stay stood out due to its comprehensive suite of features designed for both hotel management and guest convenience. I chose it for its holistic approach toward hospitality operations. It not only digitizes multiple aspects of hotel operations but also neatly compiles them in one place. It's this aspect that makes Stay the best tool for unifying hotel operations.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Stay offers a wide array of features including mobile check-in, room service, hotel information, city guides, and more. One of the key features is the ability to manage reservations within the app, providing a seamless experience for guests. Integrations with major PMS, POS, door-locking systems, and other hospitality tech make it a versatile tool adaptable to any hotel's needs.

Pricing: Stay operates with a subscription model, pricing starts from $5/user/month. Additional costs may be incurred based on the specific integrations required.


  • Comprehensive feature set addressing all aspects of hotel operations
  • Integration with major hospitality tech
  • Customizable to align with hotel branding


  • Might require training for hotel staff to leverage fully
  • Costs can rise with additional integrations
  • Lack of a free version for small-scale hotels

2. Hotel Friend - Best for enhancing room service experience

Hotel Friend hotel guest app concierge feature sample
Hotel Friend's concierge feature

Hotel Friend offers a robust and dynamic solution for the hotel industry, aiming to improve the guest experience, especially when it comes to room service. The application enables hotel guests to order room service, request amenities, and much more, all from the comfort of their rooms.

Why I Picked Hotel Friend:

My decision to select Hotel Friend came from its commitment to enhancing the room service experience. In my judgment, what sets it apart is its powerful room service functionality that allows for an efficient, comfortable, and touch-free service. For these reasons, I believe Hotel Friend stands as the best option for enriching the room service experience.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Hotel Friend boasts an impressive list of features designed to provide a better guest experience. The app offers digital room service ordering, digital concierge services, and the ability to request housekeeping or maintenance. It also integrates well with property management systems and other hotel technologies, ensuring the seamless flow of operations.

Pricing: The pricing for Hotel Friend begins at $7/user/month (billed annually). The cost may vary depending on additional features or custom integrations.


  • Robust room service functionality
  • Integrates seamlessly with other hotel technologies
  • Provides a touch-free guest service experience


  • Pricing is based on annual billing
  • Might be over-complex for smaller properties
  • Lack of a free tier for smaller establishments

3. GuestBell - Best for increasing guest engagement with digital concierge services

GuestBell mobile app QR feature sample
GuestBell's mobile app QR feature

GuestBell serves as a digital concierge, aiming to maximize guest engagement and satisfaction in hotels. It facilitates a wide range of services, from booking to checkout, all designed to provide guests with a smooth and personalized experience.

Why I Picked GuestBell:

Upon comparing various options, I chose GuestBell for its focus on amplifying guest engagement. It distinguishes itself with an exceptional digital concierge service that helps hotels maintain strong interaction with their guests. Consequently, I find GuestBell is the best tool when it comes to augmenting guest engagement via digital concierge services.

Standout Features & Integrations:

GuestBell features a comprehensive set of tools including digital room service ordering, a booking engine, and a platform for communicating with staff. The app's integration capabilities stand out as well, offering connections with numerous property management systems and other hotel technologies, which makes it adaptable to diverse hotel operations.

Pricing: Starting at $10/user/month, GuestBell's pricing varies based on the features required and the size of the hotel property.


  • Great for enhancing guest engagement
  • Integrates with various hotel technologies
  • Comprehensive and user-friendly feature set


  • Higher starting price compared to some alternatives
  • A bit complex for small properties
  • No free plan available for small hotels

4. GuestU - Best for personalizing the guest journey from pre-arrival to check-out

GuestU hotel guest app customize feature sample
GuestU's customization feature

GuestU is a versatile platform that empowers hotels to create a personalized guest journey from the moment of booking to check-out. This mobile concierge platform centralizes services, simplifying communication and enhancing the guest experience at every stage.

Why I Picked GuestU:

I selected GuestU for its focus on personalizing the entire guest journey. In comparing tools, it was evident that GuestU provides a unique approach to creating seamless experiences from pre-arrival to check-out. I am of the opinion that GuestU is the best tool for those hotels looking to offer a personalized and complete guest journey.

Standout Features & Integrations:

GuestU boasts a range of features like a booking engine, digital concierge, room service ordering, and direct communication with staff. Integration with property management systems, point-of-sale systems, and other hotel technologies makes GuestU a valuable addition to any hotel's tech stack.

Pricing: The pricing for GuestU starts at $5/user/month (billed annually). It's important to note that the final cost may vary depending on the number of features or specific integrations needed.


  • Personalized guest journey from pre-arrival to check-out
  • Centralized platform for services and communication
  • Wide range of integrations with other hotel technologies


  • Pricing is based on annual billing
  • May be too feature-rich for smaller hotels
  • No free plan for small establishments

5. Altitude - Best for real-time communication and service delivery

Altitude hotel guest app reservation feature sample
Altitude's reservation feature

Altitude is a comprehensive hotel guest app designed to streamline communication and service delivery in real-time. The tool enables guests to interact directly with hotel staff, order services, and access essential information right from their devices.

Why I Picked Altitude:

In choosing the right tools for this list, Altitude caught my attention due to its emphasis on real-time communication and quick service delivery. I determined it stands out due to its intuitive interface and instant messaging feature that significantly improves the guest experience. In my judgment, Altitude is best for hotels seeking to improve guest service delivery and instant communication.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Key features of Altitude include real-time chat, service ordering, and an information hub. Its ability to integrate with popular Property Management Systems (PMS) and other hotel technologies makes it an excellent tool for hoteliers aiming to improve their service delivery and guest communication.

Pricing: Altitude pricing starts from $6/user/month (billed annually). Remember, this is the starting price and the total cost may vary based on the specific needs of your hotel.


  • Real-time communication with guests
  • Integration with popular PMS and hotel technologies
  • Easy service ordering for guests


  • Annual billing may be a barrier for some
  • Might be feature-rich for small-scale hotels
  • No free plan available

6. Criton - Best for customizing a unique hotel app with brand identity

Criton hotel guest app mobile dashboard sample
Criton's mobile dashboard

Criton is a hospitality-focused platform that empowers hotels to design and build their unique apps encapsulating their brand identity. It emphasizes creating personalized guest experiences by offering a customizable interface and a variety of functions tailored to the specific needs of each hotel.

Why I Picked Criton:

Criton was my selection for this list based on its standout feature: offering hotels the capability to construct a unique app that mirrors their brand identity. I judged its customization options as being noteworthy, allowing for a more personalized guest experience. For this reason, I deemed Criton to be the best tool for hotels looking to reflect their brand identity within a digital platform.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Criton offers a plethora of customizable features, such as mobile check-in/check-out, in-app messaging, and up-selling modules. It integrates with several leading Property Management Systems (PMS), providing a synchronized and efficient hotel management solution.

Pricing: Criton pricing starts from $100/month per hotel (billed annually). This is a starting point, and the cost might increase with additional features or services.


  • Highly customizable, reflecting the hotel’s brand identity
  • A comprehensive set of features for guest services
  • Robust integration with leading PMS platforms


  • Lack of a free plan may limit accessibility
  • A high starting price point might deter smaller hotels
  • The annual billing cycle could be inconvenient for some

7. Intelity - Best for integrating hotel management systems and service requests

Intelity hotel guest app mobile check-in feature sample
Intelity's mobile check-in feature

Intelity is a comprehensive platform designed to facilitate hotel management and streamline service requests. Its function as a central hub allows it to integrate various hotel systems and processes, making it an effective tool for managing service requests.

Why I Picked Intelity:

I chose Intelity for this list based on its core strength: integrating disparate hotel management systems and facilitating service requests. In comparing it to other tools, I found that its integration capabilities were superior, with a proven track record of enhancing operational efficiency. Therefore, I concluded that Intelity is the best tool for this specific use case.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Intelity features include mobile and in-room solutions, dining reservations, spa bookings, and more. It also integrates with popular Property Management Systems (PMS), Point of Sale (POS), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, offering a comprehensive solution for hotel management.

Pricing: Pricing for Intelity starts from $500 per month for the hotel (billed annually). Please note that this is a base price and might increase based on added features or services.


  • Provides integration with major PMS, POS, and CRM systems
  • Comprehensive solution for managing service requests
  • Robust feature set covering a wide range of hotel operations


  • Lack of a free plan may limit accessibility for smaller hotels
  • Pricing might be steep for some businesses
  • The tool may be complex for users unfamiliar with integrated systems

8. Hotelcore - Best for simplifying booking and check-in processes

Hotelcore hotel app dashboard sample
Hotelcore hotel app dashboard sample

Hotelcore is a hotel management tool designed to streamline the booking and check-in processes. Its user-friendly interface and automated systems contribute to a smoother, quicker experience, both for hotel staff and guests, thus addressing our "best for" criterion.

Why I Picked Hotelcore:

I selected Hotelcore for this list due to its dedicated focus on simplifying bookings and check-ins, a key operational area for all hotels. While comparing various tools, Hotelcore's user-friendly interface and effective automation caught my attention. I judged it as one of the top solutions for easing booking and check-in procedures, which is why I believe it's best suited for this purpose.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Hotelcore's notable features include automated check-ins/check-outs, real-time booking management, and guest communication tools. The platform integrates with several payment gateways and property management systems, providing a well-rounded solution for hotel management.

Hotelcore's pricing starts from $150 per month (billed annually). This is a base price and may increase with additional services or features.


  • Simplifies and automates booking and check-in processes
  • Integration with various payment gateways and property management systems
  • User-friendly interface enhancing ease-of-use


  • No free plan, which might be limiting for budget-constrained hotels
  • The cost could be high for small hotels or those just starting
  • Advanced features may require a learning curve for some users

9. Nonius - Best for digitalizing the guest experience from A to Z

Nonius hotel app information samples
Nonius' hotel app information

Nonius is a comprehensive platform aimed at digitally transforming the entirety of a guest's hotel experience. From booking to check-out, and every interaction in between, Nonius provides the digital tools necessary to streamline and enhance each step, in alignment with our 'best for' statement.

Why I Picked Nonius:

In my selection process, I was drawn to Nonius for its comprehensive scope of guest engagement functionalities. The ability to fully digitalize every aspect of a guest's experience distinguishes Nonius from many of its competitors. My judgment was based on its wide range of features and integrations that offer a comprehensive solution for hotels, which is why I deem it "best for" digitalizing the entire guest experience.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Noteworthy features of Nonius include mobile check-in/check-out, personalized guest communication, and an integrated booking engine. Furthermore, it provides a seamless integration with numerous Property Management Systems (PMS), Point of Sale (POS), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, thus enriching its functionality.

Nonius offers its service at a starting price of $200 per month. This cost represents the starting tier, and prices may increase with more advanced features.


  • Comprehensive digitalization of the guest experience
  • Integration with various PMS, POS, and CRM systems
  • Offers mobile check-in/check-out and personalized guest communication features


  • Starting price might be on the higher side for smaller hotels
  • The comprehensiveness of the tool might be overwhelming for some users
  • Advanced features could come at an additional cost

10. Duve - Best for guest self-service options and instant messaging

Duve guest app dashboard sample
Duve's guest app dashboard

Duve is a hotel management software that puts the power in the hands of guests through various self-service options. It also includes an instant messaging feature to foster efficient communication, relating closely to why I've chosen it as the best for guest self-service and instant messaging.

Why I Picked Duve:

I selected Duve for its powerful ability to grant guests more autonomy and enhance their communication with the hotel. In comparing different hotel management platforms, Duve's self-service and instant messaging features really stood out, offering a balance between automation and personal communication. This aligns well with its determination as the best tool for guest self-service options and instant messaging.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Duve provides an array of useful features including mobile check-in and check-out, room upgrade options, and a digital concierge. Its integration capacity is impressive, offering compatibility with a range of Property Management Systems (PMS), enabling data synchronization and seamless operations.

Duve's services begin at $99/user/month, which is the lowest-paid plan on offer. Higher-priced options with more features are available, but this gives a baseline cost for initial users.


  • Empowers guests with self-service options
  • Facilitates effective communication through instant messaging
  • Good integration with various Property Management Systems


  • The starting price may be relatively high for smaller establishments
  • May require a learning curve for less tech-savvy users
  • Advanced features require higher-priced plans

11. Akia - Best for enhancing guest communication with AI chatbots

Akia text registration feature sample
Akia's text registration feature

Akia is a hotel management software that utilizes AI chatbots to streamline and enhance guest communication. By automating this process, it provides a platform for improved efficiency and guest satisfaction, making it the best choice for enhancing guest communication with AI chatbots.

Why I Picked Akia:

I selected Akia for its innovative approach to guest communication. When comparing various hotel management platforms, Akia's use of AI chatbots to interact with guests was a standout feature. This functionality makes it particularly effective for enhancing guest communication, aligning well with the unique selling point (USP) I identified.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Akia's main features include automated guest messaging, personalized communication, and a digital registration card. It integrates well with popular Property Management Systems (PMS), allowing for seamless data synchronization and efficient operations.

Akia's pricing starts from $200/user/month, making it an affordable option for hotels looking to incorporate advanced AI technology into their operations. This is the starting cost for the most basic paid plan.


  • Improves guest communication with AI chatbots
  • Allows for personalized, automated messaging
  • Good integration with popular PMS platforms


  • More advanced features may require a higher-priced plan
  • There may be a learning curve for those unfamiliar with AI technology
  • Smaller hotels may find the starting price somewhat high

12. Operto - Best for smart connectivity and automated guest entry

Operto dashboard sample
Operto's dashboard

Operto is a hotel management software that focuses on providing smart connectivity and automated guest entry solutions. Its commitment to simplifying guest entry and enhancing connectivity makes it ideal for hotels that value these aspects of their operations.

Why I Picked Operto:

I selected Operto due to its strong focus on smart connectivity and automating guest entry. It's distinct from many others in the market with its focus on the smart integration of hotel management. The emphasis on streamlining guest entry through automation makes it a perfect fit for the unique selling proposition I chose.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Operto’s key features include automated keyless entry, smart device management, and guest communication tools. Its integrations with other hotel management software and smart devices help in coordinating operations smoothly across different platforms.

Operto starts its pricing from $50/user/month. This is the cost for the base package, which provides essential features for improving smart connectivity and automated guest entry.


  • Offers smart connectivity features
  • Facilitates automated guest entry
  • Integrates well with other hotel management software


  • Could be cost-prohibitive for smaller establishments
  • Learning to use smart technology features might be challenging for some
  • Advanced features require higher-priced plans

Other Hotel Guest Apps

Below is a list of additional legal practice management software that we shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Hotefy - Good for creating a personalized guest experience
  2. Generous - Good for efficient room service management
  3. GuestService - Good for consolidating guest services in one platform
  4. DigitalGuest - Good for integrating multiple communication channels
  5. Innspire - Good for comprehensive hospitality app with API and integrations
  6. Iris - Good for creating a cohesive hotel app experience
  7. Instio - Good for enhancing the guest experience through an app

Selection Criteria for Hotel Guest Apps

I've had the privilege of testing multiple hotel guest app tools, considering their varied features, uses, and user-friendliness. In this niche field, it's crucial to look for software that specifically tailors its services to the unique requirements of the hospitality sector. While I've evaluated dozens of tools, the ones that stood out most excelled in core functionality, key features, and usability.

Core Functionality

  • Enabling real-time communication: The tool should facilitate instant interaction between hotel staff and guests.
  • Offering self-service options: Guests should be able to handle basic tasks independently, like checking in or ordering room service.
  • Managing room service efficiently: The tool should keep track of all room service requests and their statuses.
  • Integrating multiple channels of communication: The tool needs to consolidate various communication modes in one platform for easy access.

Key Features

  • Personalization: The app should allow for a personalized guest experience, where preferences are remembered and recommended.
  • Multilingual support: As hotels cater to guests from diverse backgrounds, the app should support multiple languages.
  • Automated processes: To save time and reduce errors, the tool should have functionalities that can be automated, such as check-ins and outs, billing, etc.
  • API and integrations: The tool should be able to connect and share data with other software used in the hotel, like CRM or PMS.


  • User-friendly interface: The tool should have a clear, intuitive interface that guests of all tech-savvy levels can navigate easily.
  • Efficient onboarding: The tool should provide a quick and straightforward setup process to ensure hotels can deploy it without delay or confusion.
  • Reliable customer support: Since these tools are critical for hotel operations, they should provide prompt and helpful customer support to address any issues that arise.
  • Robust security features: Given the sensitive nature of the information being handled, the tool needs to have strong data protection and privacy measures in place.

People Also Ask

What are the benefits of using hotel guest apps?

Hotel guest apps offer numerous benefits, such as:

  1. Enhancing guest experience: These apps provide a personalized, convenient platform for guests to access services, make requests, and communicate with hotel staff.
  2. Streamlining operations: They automate many hotel tasks, such as check-ins and outs, billing, and room service management.
  3. Improving communication: Hotel staff and guests can communicate in real-time, fostering efficient problem-solving and decision-making.
  4. Increasing revenue: With features like personalized offers and upselling, these apps can drive additional revenue.
  5. Gathering insights: The apps collect valuable data that can be analyzed for customer behavior insights, helping to further refine the hotel's services.

How much do hotel guest apps cost?

Pricing for hotel guest apps can vary widely depending on the specific features, the size of the hotel, and the level of customization required. They can range from as low as $5 per user per month to upwards of $100 per user per month.

What are the pricing models for hotel guest apps?

Hotel guest apps usually follow a subscription-based pricing model, where you pay a fixed fee per month or year. This fee often scales based on the number of users or rooms. Some providers offer tiered pricing, where different plans offer varying levels of functionality and service.

What is the typical range of pricing for hotel guest apps?

Generally, the monthly price for a hotel guest app can start from around $20 per user for basic plans and can go up to $200 or more for advanced plans with premium features.

What are the cheapest and most expensive software options for hotel guest apps?

Among the tools evaluated, Nonius starts at a lower range, from $7 per user per month. Operto, on the other hand, is at the higher end, with prices starting from $20 per unit per month.

Are there any free tool options available?

Most hotel guest apps are paid, as they offer a complex array of features and services. However, some may offer a free trial period or a limited-feature free version to let users evaluate the software before making a purchase. It's best to check with individual providers for their current offerings.

Other Hotel Software Reviews


Choosing the right hotel guest app is a crucial decision that can significantly influence the guest experience and operational efficiency of your hotel. With a myriad of options available, it's important to identify the specific needs of your hotel and guests, then match those to the features and capabilities of the prospective apps.

Key takeaways to consider when selecting the best hotel guest app include:

  1. Identify Core Functionality: Understand the essential features that you require in a hotel guest app. This might include self-service options, AI-assisted communication, or smart connectivity, among others.
  2. Consider Usability: The user interface should be intuitive for both guests and staff to navigate. This includes the onboarding process, customer support, and the general user experience.
  3. Evaluate Pricing Models: Pricing varies significantly between different apps, and it's important to consider what you are getting for your investment. Understand the pricing structure, whether it's per user or per room, and consider how the cost fits into your budget.

Remember, the best hotel guest app for your business is the one that meets your unique needs and offers the most value in terms of improving guest satisfaction and operational efficiency.

What Do You Think?

We hope you've found this guide helpful in your search for the perfect hotel guest app. We understand there are many great tools out there, and we might have missed a few. So, if there's a standout app you believe deserves to be on this list, we invite you to share it with us.

Your recommendations and insights will undoubtedly be valuable to us and our readers. Thank you for your contribution to this collaborative learning process.

Cory Masters
By Cory Masters

Cory Masters is a dynamic professional with 10+ years of experience working across hotel and hospitality management, accounting, financial management, office management, and operations. She's passionate about elevating other professionals in the community, using her 4 years as an Assistant Hotel Manager at Four Seasons to share the lessons she's learned about managing guest interactions, reservations, hotel staff, hotel services, hotel management systems, and more.