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Having spent significant time in hotel operations and hotel business property management, I've evaluated countless hotel management software solutions. Today, I bring you an in-depth look at WebRezPro. This front desk software is designed to streamline operations from check-in to check-out, offering real-time updates and integrations with platforms like Airbnb.

My goal is straightforward: to arm you with the information you need about WebRezPro, helping you determine if it aligns with your needs.

WebRezPro tool screenshot.
Here's the tape chart overview in WebRezPro.

WebRezPro Product Overview

WebRezPro streamlines hotel operations through its comprehensive Saas-based property management system. It primarily serves hoteliers, inns, and campgrounds, offering them a platform to enhance guest experiences and operational efficiency. The software addresses overbooking, guest communication gaps, and manual reservation tracking. Its standout features are integrated point-of-sale systems, direct online bookings, and guest relationship management.


  • Reservation System: WebRezPro includes an advanced reservation system, ensuring guests receive instant confirmations.
  • Front Office Efficiency: The software supports direct online bookings, reducing the front desk's workload and increasing direct revenue.
  • CRM Tools: WebRezPro offers guest relationship management tools, fostering better communication and enhancing guest experience


  • Learning Curve: With its extensive PMS features, WebRezPro can be overwhelming for new users.
  • Interface Design: Some users find the user interface less modern than newer entrants in the market. However, screenshots available in their support portal can aid in understanding.
  • Customization Limits: While versatile, there are boundaries to how much the platform can be tailored to specific hotel needs.

Expert Opinion

Having delved deep into hotel tech, I've found WebRezPro to be a robust contender in the hotel management software arena. Its features are comprehensive, but its true strength lies in its OTA integration and GDS capabilities. However, when determining its place in the market, one must consider the slight steepness in its learning curve and the design of its interface.

In terms of functionality and support, it holds its ground firmly against competitors. For establishments that prioritize direct guest interactions and efficient operations, WebRezPro is a worthy choice. Yet, for those seeking a more modern interface or extensive customization, it might be worth weighing other options.

WebRezPro: The Bottom Line

What sets WebRezPro apart is its commitment to enhancing both the guest experience and operational efficiency. While many platforms offer management tools, WebRezPro's cloud property management system and emphasis on direct bookings give hoteliers a distinct advantage. Its guest relationship management tools stand out, ensuring communication with guests remains consistent and personalized. In a market filled with similar tools, WebRezPro's focus on direct guest interactions and comprehensive management tools makes it a distinctive choice for hoteliers. Its occupancy management ensures that communication with guests remains consistent and personalized.

WebRezPro dashboard screenshot.
The WebRezPro dashboard showcases its various features.

WebRezPro Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Reservation Management - Yes
  2. Guest Profiles - Yes
  3. Housekeeping Management - Yes
  4. Point of Sale Integration - Yes
  5. Direct Online Bookings - Yes
  6. Guest Communication Tools - Yes
  7. Reporting and Analytics - Yes
  8. Payment Processing - Yes
  9. Multi-Property Support - Yes
  10. Mobile Access - Yes
  11. Event and Banquet Management - No
  12. Loyalty Program Integration - No
  13. Email Marketing Tools - Yes
  14. Inventory Management - Yes
  15. Rate Management - Yes
  16. Third-party Integrations - Yes
  17. Employee Management - Yes
  18. Task Automation - Yes
  19. Guest Feedback Collection - Yes
  20. Maintenance Management - No
  21. Financial Accounting - No
  22. Multi-Currency Support - Yes
  23. Multi-Language Support - Yes
  24. Channel Management - Yes
  25. Website Booking Engine - Yes

WebRezPro Feature Overview

  1. Reservation Management: WebRezPro simplifies booking, ensuring rooms are efficiently allocated without overbooking.
  2. Direct Online Bookings: This feature reduces dependency on third-party platforms, potentially increasing hotel revenue.
  3. Guest Communication Tools: Enhance guest experiences by maintaining consistent and personalized communication before, during, and after their stay.
  4. Reporting and Analytics: Gain insights into hotel operations and guest preferences to make informed decisions.
  5. Mobile Access: Access the platform on-the-go, ensuring hotel management tasks can be performed anytime, anywhere.
  6. Inventory Management: Keep track of room status and amenities, ensuring guests get what they've been promised.
  7. Rate Management: Adjust room rates based on demand, season, or special events.
  8. Third-party Integrations: Connect with other tools and platforms to extend the software's capabilities.
  9. Employee Management: Assign tasks, manage shifts, and ensure smooth hotel operations.
  10. Website Booking Engine: Allow guests to book directly through the hotel's website, offering a seamless booking experience.

Standout Functionality

  1. Guest Profiles: Unlike many other platforms, WebRezPro offers detailed guest profiles, allowing hotels to personalize guest experiences based on past preferences.
  2. Task Automation: The software can automate repetitive tasks, setting them apart by reducing manual interventions and potential errors.
  3. Channel Management: WebRezPro's ability to manage multiple booking channels from a single platform ensures rates and availability are consistent across all platforms.


WebRezPro offers native integrations with payment gateways, POS systems, and other hotel tech solutions. Some of its integrations include QuickBooks, Stripe, and WordPress. They also provide an API, allowing for custom integrations tailored to specific hotel needs. Additionally, there's a range of add-ons available to extend the platform's capabilities, from website design services to guest experience tools.

WebRezPro Pricing

Pricing upon request.

Ease of Use

Navigating WebRezPro's interface is straightforward. The dashboard is organized, presenting crucial metrics at a glance. However, given its comprehensive feature set, newcomers might need some time to familiarize themselves with all its capabilities.

Customer Support

WebRezPro offers a detailed support portal, complete with documentation and tutorials. Their support team is generally responsive, but there have been instances where resolving more intricate issues took longer than expected.

WebRezPro Use Case

For mid-sized to large hotels and chains prioritizing direct guest interactions and comprehensive management, WebRezPro shines. Its most loyal customers are those who value the blend of guest experience tools and operational efficiency it offers.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For WebRezPro?

Smaller establishments or those not requiring an extensive feature set might find WebRezPro overwhelming. Hotels that prioritize a modern interface or extensive customization might also want to consider other options.

Who Would Be A Good Fit For WebRezPro?

WebRezPro is ideal for mid-sized to large hotels and chains seeking a comprehensive management system. It's perfect for establishments prioritizing direct guest interactions and operational efficiency. With its wide array of features, from direct online bookings to guest relationship management, it caters to hotels aiming to enhance guest experiences and streamline operations

WebRezPro FAQs Question

Does WebRezPro support multi-property management?

Yes, it offers features tailored for managing multiple properties.

Can I integrate WebRezPro with my existing POS system?

Yes, WebRezPro offers integrations with various POS systems, simplifying transactions and guest billing through credit card processing.

Is there mobile access available for WebRezPro?

Yes, you can access and manage your hotel operations on the go.

How does the rate management feature work?

It allows you to adjust room rates based on various factors like demand or events.

Can I collect guest feedback through WebRezPro?

Yes, there are tools available for collecting and analyzing guest feedback.

Does WebRezPro offer email marketing tools?

Yes, you can manage and send out email campaigns to your guests.

Is there a free trial available?

You'd need to contact WebRezPro directly for trial and demo options.

Can I manage employee shifts using WebRezPro?

Yes, there are features available for employee management and task assignment.

Alternatives to WebRezPro

  • Hotelogix: Known for its simplicity and ease of use, especially for a small business.
  • Cloudbeds: Offers a more modern interface and is often praised for its user-friendly design.
  • RoomKeyPMS: A good fit for those prioritizing guest loyalty programs and integrations.

For even more alternatives to WebRezPro, check out our roundup of the best hotel management software.

WebRezPro Company Overview & History

WebRezPro is a top-notch product of World Web Technologies Inc., a company specializing in online solutions for the hospitality industry. Renowned establishments worldwide trust WebRezPro. The company is privately owned, with its headquarters in Calgary, Canada.

Their mission revolves around simplifying hotel operations and enhancing guest experiences. Since its inception, WebRezPro has continually evolved, adding features based on industry needs and technological advancements.


WebRezPro offers a comprehensive solution for hoteliers aiming to streamline operations and enhance guest experiences. Its blend of management tools and guest-centric features makes it a strong contender in the hotel tech space. I invite you to share your experiences and insights about WebRezPro below.

Cory Masters
By Cory Masters

Cory Masters is a dynamic professional with 10+ years of experience working across hotel and hospitality management, accounting, financial management, office management, and operations. She's passionate about elevating other professionals in the community, using her 4 years as an Assistant Hotel Manager at Four Seasons to share the lessons she's learned about managing guest interactions, reservations, hotel staff, hotel services, hotel management systems, and more.