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Having spent decades in hotel tech, I understand the nuances and intricacies of software in this space. With this Whova review, I'll provide you with the details and insights you need to determine if it's the right fit for your needs.

Whova software review, a tool's dashboard screenshot
This is a screenshot of the tool's dashboard showing you how to host and share documents with ease.

Whova Product Overview

Whova facilitates real-time, interactive experiences for both in-person events and virtual conferences, adeptly merging digital and physical realms of conferencing. Target users span across various domains, prominently featuring event organizers, conference attendees, and entities involved in non-profit organization management, providing them with a comprehensive platform that accommodates Android and iOS users through the Whova app.

A noteworthy benefit of the tool lies in its ability to easily integrate live streaming, live polls, and breakout sessions, aiming to enhance engagement among event attendees and provide opportunities for networking through features like a digital business card exchange.

Whova endeavors to alleviate common pain points related to managing voluminous user reviews, ensuring attendees stay informed with real-time notifications, and offering offline accessibility to vital event information and interactions.

Its best features navigate through a spectrum of customizable templates for event creation, integration with social media platforms for expansive reach and engagement, and providing a user-friendly interface even for first-time users, all collectively aiming to save time and elevate the overall event management and participation experience.


  • Interactive Agenda: Whova provides a dynamic and user-friendly agenda that enables attendees to choose sessions and plan their schedules with ease.
  • Networking Capabilities: Attendee profiles facilitate networking by allowing participants to view others’ profiles and connect directly through the platform.
  • Integrated Marketing: The software allows organizers to promote events, sessions, and sponsors directly within the app, enhancing visibility and engagement.


  • Limited Customization: The ability to tailor the interface to specific brand or event themes might fall short for some users.
  • Complexity for Small Events: Smaller gatherings might find the myriad of features overwhelming and unnecessary for their scope.
  • Pricing Constraints: Some organizations, especially non-profits or small businesses, might find the cost to be a limiting factor for adoption.

Expert Opinion

Navigating through Whova, I, a seasoned hotel tech specialist, notice a robustness in features that can genuinely uplift an event’s attendee engagement and simplify the management process. While assessing its utilities against its contemporaries, I find that Whova maintains a strong footing in facilitating networking among participants, which, I believe, is paramount in the current virtual and hybrid event landscape.

The tool manages to outperform in areas such as built-in marketing and interactive agenda creation, but when it comes to customization and pricing, competitors might offer more flexible or budget-friendly options. It becomes essential then, in selecting this software, to weigh the tangible benefits against its shortcomings and pricing – particularly apt for mid to large-scale events or businesses where engagement and marketing take precedence.

Whova: The Bottom Line

Whova brings to the table a synthesis of attendee engagement, marketing, and management features, etching a distinct space amidst similar platforms. The platform’s commitment to aiding both event organizers and attendees to network and navigate through events, without losing sight of personal agendas and interests, distinguishes it remarkably.

Especially noteworthy is the networking feature that doesn’t just stop at connecting profiles; it facilitates genuine interaction and discussion among participants. Whova sustains a palpable presence in the event management software realm, providing tangible, valuable tools to comprehensively navigate through the maze of event planning and execution.

Whova Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Registration Management - Yes
  2. Attendee Management - Yes
  3. Event Marketing - Yes
  4. Ticketing - Yes
  5. Venue Selection - No
  6. Supplier Management - No
  7. Content Management - Yes
  8. Onsite Management - Yes
  9. Attendee Engagement - Yes
  10. Sponsorship Management - Yes
  11. Analytics and Reporting - Yes
  12. Badge Management - Yes
  13. Session Management - Yes
  14. Travel Management - No
  15. Networking Features - Yes
  16. Mobile Event App - Yes
  17. Budget Management - Yes
  18. Survey and Feedback - Yes
  19. Booth Management - Yes
  20. Abstract Management - No
  21. Staff Management - Yes
  22. Email Communication - Yes
  23. Task Assignment - Yes
  24. Data Security - Yes
  25. Multi-Language Support - Yes

Whova Feature Overview

Note that this is general information. For detailed insights about how these features are executed or their particularities, you’d need to get hands-on or have a demo.

  1. Networking Features: Whova enables attendees to search, find, and connect with other participants, which is pivotal for any event aiming to facilitate meaningful connections.
  2. Mobile Event App: Offering a dedicated mobile application, attendees and organizers can stay connected and updated throughout the event.
  3. Event Marketing: Whova facilitates the promotion of various event aspects like sessions and sponsorships directly within the platform.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: The tool allows organizers to extract comprehensive reports that facilitate informed decision-making.
  5. Session Management: From creating to managing various sessions, the tool covers various aspects of session management.
  6. Email Communication: Direct communication with attendees is made feasible, without having to leave the platform.
  7. Badge Management: It offers features to create and manage badges, streamlining the check-in process for attendees.
  8. Survey and Feedback: This feature ensures organizers can get direct feedback from attendees effortlessly.
  9. Booth Management: Exhibitors and sponsors get a dedicated space, ensuring they get visibility and can manage their presence effectively.
  10. Staff Management: Tasks can be assigned, and staff managed within the platform, ensuring streamlined event operations.

Standout Functionality

  1. Networking and Community Building: Whova provides an interactive attendee list where participants can explore, find, and message other attendees and exhibitors, initiating connections even before the event starts.
  2. Interactive Agenda: Beyond just being an agenda, it allows attendees to build their schedule, participate in polls, and engage in session Q&As.
  3. Integrated Event Marketing: Directly within the platform, you can promote sponsors, sessions, and activities without relying on external tools.


Whova provides integrations with some webinar and meeting platforms, allowing events to be more versatile in terms of virtual and hybrid models. They also provide API access to enable data transmission between Whova and other platforms, facilitating smoother operations and potentially building further integrations. In terms of extending its capabilities, add-ons or additional modules might be available but it's advisable to check the latest from their platform or support team for precise information.

Whova Pricing

Pricing upon request.

Ease of Use

In my exploration of Whova, I find the user interface intuitive, with clear navigation menus and a logical flow of features. Although it does pack a variety of functionalities that cater to comprehensive event management, the onboarding process appears to be designed to equip new users with the know-how to navigate through the platform efficiently. However, due to its extensive feature set, smaller events or less tech-savvy organizers might face a steeper learning curve.

Customer Support

From my interactions and knowledge, Whova seems to offer a decent spectrum of customer support, including documentation, email support, and a knowledge base. Response times might vary depending on the query and time zones, offering ample support for understanding and navigating through their platform. Nevertheless, some users might find the lack of a direct, instant helpline or chat support slightly inconvenient, especially when immediate resolution is required.

Whova Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For Whova?

In my assessment, Whova thrives in scenarios where the emphasis lies on creating networking opportunities and enhancing participant engagement, notably within medium to large-scale events. The platform’s avid clientele often includes corporate event planners, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations that orchestrate conferences, trade shows, and workshops.

Whova seems to harmonize particularly well with environments that require a blend of in-person and virtual interaction, thereby proving useful for those venturing into hybrid event formats. Businesses and organizations that cater to a broad, diversified audience seem to particularly benefit from the inclusivity facilitated by Whova's multi-language support and geographically agnostic virtual engagement tools.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For Whova?

Conversely, businesses orchestrating small-scale events or those with a tight budget may find Whova less than optimal for their needs. Customers who prioritize granular customization or those who require a simple, straightforward tool for small and uncomplicated events might feel overwhelmed or underutilize the platform.

In my judgment, industries or companies where events are not central to their operation, or where engagement and networking are not priorities, might find the feature-rich environment of Whova somewhat superfluous. In addition, teams that lack tech-savviness or resources to leverage a comprehensive platform might find simpler alternatives more suitable.

Whova FAQs

How does Whova facilitate attendee engagement?

Whova provides features like virtual meet-ups, discussion forums, and in-app messaging tools to foster attendee interaction and networking.

Does Whova support hybrid events?

Yes, Whova offers functionalities to manage and engage participants in both in-person and virtual event formats.

Can Whova manage ticketing and registration?

Yes, Whova offers a suite of tools for managing event registration and ticketing.

Is there a mobile application available for Whova?

Yes, Whova provides a mobile application to enhance attendee experience and engagement.

How does Whova support event sponsors and exhibitors?

Whova provides a virtual exhibitor hall, dedicated profiles, and various sponsorship promotion options within the platform.

Does Whova provide analytics and reporting tools?

Yes, Whova offers tools to generate various reports and analytics related to event performance and attendee engagement.

Can attendees build their own agenda on Whova?

Yes, Whova allows attendees to personalize their schedules and engage in sessions of their choosing.

Is there a limit to the number of attendees Whova can support?

Specifics about attendee limits may be obtained directly from Whova’s sales or support team to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.

Alternatives to Whova

  • Eventbrite offers a user-friendly platform, particularly aligning with those who host a range of smaller, community-oriented events and prioritize ease of use.
  • Cvent proves suitable for those who navigate large-scale, complex events, providing a broad suite of features with particular strength in attendee management and engagement.
  • Hopin stands out for those who primarily host virtual events, offering a robust and dynamic platform that excels in creating immersive online event experiences.

Whova Company Overview & History

Whova transforms event experiences by integrating mobile technology, thereby fostering attendee engagement and facilitating event management. Widely recognized and utilized by a myriad of companies across various sectors, from universities to non-profits, Whova has positioned itself as an innovative leader within the event tech space.

The San Diego, California-headquartered company, steered by its CEO, Dr. Yuanyuan (YY) Zhou, leans into a mission to maximize networking opportunities and enhance engagement at events. Notable milestones within its trajectory include consistent recognition in the form of awards, such as being named the Best Event App by Event Technology Awards for three consecutive years.


Navigating through the expanse of Whova reveals a platform meticulously crafted to enhance and streamline the event management system and participant engagement landscape. Whova accentuates the blend of physical and virtual environments, remarkably catering to the contemporary shift towards hybrid event formats. While it offers a versatile suite for medium to large-scale event planners and organizations, those orchestrating smaller, simpler events might explore alternatives for a fit that respects their specific needs and budget.

Potential users who prioritize networking, participant engagement, and comprehensive event management, especially within a hybrid format, might find Whova to be a robust ally. Your experiences, insights, and queries about Whova are valuable; feel free to share them and facilitate a collective understanding amongst my reader community.

Cory Masters
By Cory Masters

Cory Masters is a dynamic professional with 10+ years of experience working across hotel and hospitality management, accounting, financial management, office management, and operations. She's passionate about elevating other professionals in the community, using her 4 years as an Assistant Hotel Manager at Four Seasons to share the lessons she's learned about managing guest interactions, reservations, hotel staff, hotel services, hotel management systems, and more.