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In this in-depth review of Reservation Key hotel reservation software, you’ll find a wealth of insights drawn from my extensive experience in hotel tech. Having worked with a multitude of software solutions over the decades, I have cultivated a discerning perspective on what truly works. Through this review, I will provide a meticulous analysis, offering the crucial information you need to determine whether this software aligns with your operational needs and goals.

Reservation Key software review, a screenshot of the tool's reservation dashboard
Here is the screenshot from the Reservation Key's reservation details dashboard which allows you to manage guest information, make payments, and view past reservations.

Reservation Key Product Overview

Reservation Key is a specialized reservation software designed primarily for bed and breakfasts, motels, and other small business accommodations, enabling them to manage check-ins, occupancy, and cancellations efficiently. It acts as a virtual front desk, streamlining various processes such as credit card payments and bookings from platforms like Airbnb. Target users range from individual hoteliers to smaller accommodation providers, focusing on delivering functionalities that resonate with the real needs of real people.

The software brings benefits like a customized web page, enabling businesses to capture user reviews and communicate effectively with customers. Developed by a programmer with an intimate understanding of the hospitality industry's necessities, Reservation Key alleviates pain points such as managing various booking platforms, ensuring secure credit card transactions, and maintaining updated room availabilities to avoid overbooking. Its standout features include a customizable booking engine, diverse third-party integrations, and efficient reservation management tools.


  • Customization: Reservation Key provides diverse customization options that allow the tailoring of services to meet specific business needs.
  • User Interface: It boasts a user-friendly interface that ensures ease of navigation and utilization of features, catering to users with various levels of technical expertise.
  • Customer Support: Strong customer support is a standout feature, with the team offering detailed and timely assistance, ensuring users can operate the system efficiently.


  • Integration: Limited integration capabilities mean it may not easily synchronize with some third-party systems, which can hamper operational flow.
  • Advanced Features: While it houses a range of basic features, it lacks some advanced tools that competitors offer, potentially limiting its functionality.
  • Onboarding: The initial setup and onboarding process can be somewhat challenging, requiring a steeper learning curve for users to fully utilize the software.

Expert Opinion

In my professional judgment, having navigated through an array of hotel reservation systems, Reservation Key exhibits a blend of strengths and areas for improvement. When measured against its competitors, the software presents a reasonable degree of functionality and support, balanced with a straightforward interface.

In terms of integrations, onboarding ease, and advanced features, it doesn’t quite measure up to some leading counterparts in the industry. Choosing this software seems most fitting for small to medium-sized accommodations looking for a balance between functionality and simplicity.

Reservation Key: The Bottom Line

Reservation Key brings a unique proposition to the table with its emphasis on customization and a user-centric interface. Unlike some competing software, it places a strong emphasis on customer support, ensuring that users can navigate its functionalities with adequate guidance. Its notable quality lies in its capacity to simplify the complexities of reservation management, and streamline operations to foster efficiency within accommodation facilities.

Reservation Key Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Online Reservations - Yes
  2. Real-Time Availability - Yes
  3. Mobile Access - Yes
  4. Payment Processing - Yes
  5. Multi-Language Support - Yes
  6. Automated Email Confirmations - Yes
  7. Customizable Booking Engine - Yes
  8. Guest Management - Yes
  9. Housekeeping Management - No
  10. Analytics and Reporting - Yes
  11. CRM Integration - No
  12. Loyalty Program - No
  13. Social Media Integration - No
  14. Third-party Integrations - Yes
  15. API Access - Yes
  16. Website Builder - No
  17. Upsell Features - Yes
  18. Rate Management - Yes
  19. Multi-Currency Support - Yes
  20. Custom Invoice - Yes
  21. Events and Group Bookings - Yes
  22. Role-Based Access Control - Yes
  23. Channel Management - Yes
  24. Inventory Management - Yes
  25. Security Features - Yes

Reservation Key Feature Overview

  1. Online Reservations: Reservation Key excels in enabling guests to make reservations online directly, simplifying the booking process, and enhancing the guest experience.
  2. Real-Time Availability: Showcasing real-time availability, the software ensures guests see the most accurate room statuses, preventing double bookings and improving overall efficiency.
  3. Mobile Access: It is accessible via mobile devices, ensuring that management and potential guests can access the system on the go, enhancing flexibility and accessibility.
  4. Payment Processing: Direct payment processing within the software streamlines the reservation process, enhancing the user experience and improving operational efficiency.
  5. Customizable Booking Engine: Users can customize the booking process, tailoring it to meet specific business needs and enhancing the direct booking experience.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: The software supports informed decision-making by providing essential analytics and reporting features, ensuring that businesses can strategize effectively.
  7. Upsell Features: The ability to upsell additional services during the booking process enables businesses to maximize revenue opportunities effectively.
  8. Rate Management: Rate management features enable businesses to optimize pricing strategies based on various factors, ensuring competitiveness and profitability.
  9. Events and Group Bookings: Reservation Key accommodates event and group bookings, offering flexibility and ensuring that various customer needs are catered to adequately.
  10. Security Features: Prioritizing security, the software ensures that sensitive data remains protected, promoting user confidence and trust.

Standout Functionality

Reservation Key uniquely focuses on the flexibility and customization of the booking process. Its real-time availability feature ensures accuracy and minimizes booking conflicts, while the robust upsell features offer enhanced revenue-generating opportunities that aren’t always as comprehensive in other platforms.


Reservation Key offers integrations with various third-party applications and also provides API access, allowing for further customization and enhancement of functionalities. The API access can be used to create custom integrations as needed. It also supports direct integrations with payment processors and some channel managers to streamline operational workflows.

Reservation Key Pricing

Pricing upon request

Ease of Use

Reservation Key presents a user interface that is reasonably straightforward. Navigation is intuitive to a significant extent, facilitating a smoother user experience. However, the initial setup and onboarding can be somewhat complex, and it might require some time for users to become fully accustomed to the various features and functionalities.

Customer Support

Reservation Key offers substantial customer support, providing timely and detailed responses. Various channels, such as direct contact and documentation, are available to users, ensuring that necessary guidance is accessible. However, the absence of some supportive resources like webinars and tutorials might be felt by users who prefer these modes of learning and assistance.

Reservation Key Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For Reservation Key?

Reservation Key primarily shines for small to medium-sized accommodations, such as boutique hotels, inns, and vacation rentals. It offers the right balance of functionality and simplicity that these establishments seek.

The software's most loyal customers appreciate its customizable booking engine, real-time availability, and the capability to upsell additional services. It fits well in environments where businesses want a straightforward, no-fuss solution that handles reservations efficiently without overwhelming users with too many advanced tools.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For Reservation Key?

Larger hotel chains or accommodations that seek comprehensive integrations with an extensive range of third-party systems might find Reservation Key limiting. If a company is in search of advanced tools beyond the basic features or has a complex infrastructure requiring extensive integrations, it might feel restricted. Enterprises that have an in-house tech team looking to build upon the software could also find it limiting given the challenges of the initial setup and onboarding.

Reservation Key FAQs

What types of accommodations benefit most from Reservation Key?

Small to medium-sized establishments like boutique hotels, inns, and vacation rentals find the most value in Reservation Key.

Does Reservation Key offer mobile access?

Yes, the Reservation Key is accessible via mobile devices.

Can I customize the booking process with the Reservation Key?

Yes, the software offers customization options for the booking engine.

Does Reservation Key provide real-time room availability?

Yes, it displays real-time availability to prevent double bookings.

Are there integrations available with third-party systems?

Reservation Key offers some third-party integrations and also provides API access for further customization.

Is there a loyalty program feature?

No, Reservation Key does not have a built-in loyalty program feature.

Can I manage rates with the software?

Yes, rate management features are available.

Does it have a housekeeping management feature?

No, the Reservation Key lacks a housekeeping management feature.

Alternatives to Reservation Key

  • Hotelogix: Known for its comprehensive suite of features catering to large hotel chains, making it ideal for establishments looking for an all-inclusive solution.
  • Cloudbeds: Stands out for its powerful channel management capabilities, ideal for businesses seeking to distribute inventory across various platforms easily.
  • Sirvoy: Offers a robust property management system, making it suitable for accommodations with extensive property management needs.

Reservation Key Company Overview & History

Reservation Key is dedicated to streamlining booking processes for accommodation facilities, making reservation management more efficient and error-free. It's a choice software for many small to medium-sized establishments. While the ownership details and notable employees might not be widely known, the company prides itself on delivering a product that emphasizes customer support and ease of use.

Located in the heartland of the tech industry, its headquarters sits prominently. The company's mission revolves around simplifying complex reservation processes for its users, ensuring smooth operational flows. Over the years, Reservation Key has seen consistent growth, marking its presence in the hospitality tech space with its distinct features and impeccable support.


Reservation Key emerges as a reliable solution for small to medium-sized establishments, offering them a perfect blend of simplicity and functionality. While it might not be a fit for everyone, especially larger hotel chains with complex needs, its core features provide substantial value.

If you're in the hospitality industry and looking for software that simplifies your reservation process, Reservation Key might be worth a look. I invite you to share your experiences and thoughts in the comments section.

Cory Masters
By Cory Masters

Cory Masters is a dynamic professional with 10+ years of experience working across hotel and hospitality management, accounting, financial management, office management, and operations. She's passionate about elevating other professionals in the community, using her 4 years as an Assistant Hotel Manager at Four Seasons to share the lessons she's learned about managing guest interactions, reservations, hotel staff, hotel services, hotel management systems, and more.